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We survived Manassas!

I like Bill Shores' description:

"Turn your oven on to 500 with no AC and all of your doors and windows closed. Thats what it felt like inside our tents on Friday and Saturday. Climb inside
the oven and that was outside the tent."

But, it was an event we'll talk about for years. I see on Facebook that the finger pointing and complaining about event logistics are getting wound up. Instead, I would like to focus on the positives! I am so proud of the members of the Mighty 28th that made so many sacrifices to honor and portray our North Carolina ancestors who fought on that field 150 years ago. Y'all did great dealing with the drill and the battles, in spite of the unbearably hot weather.

We really missed Lt Cheek! I said to myself, many times over the weekend, "Greg would be helping me with this if he were here...!" I do appreciate all of you pitching in, helping to procure all the ice we needed, shopping for commissary supplies, and, most importantly on this oppressive weekend, our medical team for the weekend. Lt Brian Horgan, Pri Clifton Parnell and Chaplain David Woodall did extra duty all weekend seeing that each of us was doing ok dealing with the heat. Thank you so much, Men!

And, I must especially thank Mrs Lori Henderson, who, as usual, went above and beyond the call of duty to fix us a ham, cabbage and mashed potato supper Saturday night. Assisted by her husband, First Sergeant Brian Henderson, she COOKED this meal over the fire while we were sweltering, even in the shade! It was a spectacular treat, as we survived the rest of the three day weekend on tomato and banana sandwiches and peanuts. It was just too hot to go all the way to the modern vendors to find other food. Lots of our folks brought extra water and donated it to the unit, and someone even brought fresh tomatoes and squash and cucumbers for our commissary. They were a treat!

Several folks had trouble with the heat. I trust and pray all are well and recovered now. Thank God none of our folks had to be transported to the hospital, but were well treated by the event's medical professionals. Many of us reenacting old-timers said that this event was the hottest one ever!

Once again, I want to say how proud I am of all of the folks who served in our company this weekend. Your devotion to duty is commendable! I appreciate you all and look forward to seeing all of you soon, at a cooler venue!

John Baucom

Re: We survived Manassas!

I was remiss in the post above for failing to mention the outstanding work of Sgt Damon Wilson and Private Kevin Middleton for their work starting the fires and fixing breakfast for us this weekend. Their devotion to the needs of our company was much appreciated. Thank you, Men!

John Baucom