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Telegraph from the commanding general at New Market...

Captain Baucom,

I wanted to personally thank you and your unit for coming to New Market. We were glad to have you. Your boys looked great on the field and your hospitality in camp will not be forgotten either. I hope that everyone from the ANV enjoyed themselves.

I checked out your website and agree it is top notch! I have bookmarked it and will check it often.

Thanks again for all your help.

Brian Gesuero
General, Commanding
Provisional Army of the Confederate States
“Nous sommes la Legion”

PS~ PACS is endorsing the vinegar based bbq sandwich with coleslaw.

Re: Telegraph from the commanding general at New Market...

My response...

General Gesuero,

Thank you very much for your correspondence of May 18. The members of the 28th NC Troops and myself all had a fine time at New Market this past weekend. Your hospitality helped very much to make it the great event that it was. We look forward to our next opportunity to serve with you and your excellent organization.

I also appreciate your kind words regarding our website. Our administrator will be very happy to see that all his hard work is appreciated, not only by the members of our organization, but by others in the hobby, as well.

We are in agreement as to our preference of BBQ!

My highest regards to you, Sir!

John H. Baucom
28th NC Troops
4th Regiment, 1st Division
Army of Northern Virginia

Re: Telegraph from the commanding general at New Market...

The NC vinegar based bargeque sandwich is the best all around however I was instructed by the First Sgt. that you have to have Texas Pete Hot Sauce with it!!!