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New Market after action thread...

Good morning!

I wanted to quickly post a short report on our weekend at New Market.

Thank God it was a fine weekend weatherwise, contrary to the forecasts we were seeing and the rain we encountered going up Friday.

It was an honor and a pleasure for me personally to command the five ANV companies present for the event. Forces from Longstreet's Corp and the FFR were also there, and we were made most welcome and were ably led by the officers of PACS, the event host.

For the puposes of this event, our force was considered a brigade and we made up the left wing of a division otherwise composed of men of Longstreet's Corps, commanded by Col Terry Shelton. It was a fun and hard-fighting collaboration!

It was great to see so many of our friends together at such a great event site! New Market is hard to beat for the beauty of it's location. The Three Amigo's were there with "Buck" and the wandering VMI Gnome. Thanks for bringing the cake and pie, Sgt Wilson! Speaking of food, thanks also to Mrs Lori Henderson for the strawberry shortcake complete with whipped cream! Yum!

The ladies with the 2nd Maryland also kept us well fed, especially at breakfast! I'm going to try my best to get us camped close to them at Manassas! They eat as good as we do! Thank you, Ladies! Lt Tom Fernbacker (sorry if I butchered the spelling...) did a great job commanding our company while I was otherwise engaged. We fought as brothers and family! Our whole ANV group was the same way. Our volley's set the standard for the Army! All of our NCO's and troops did an excellent job throughout the weekend!

Fighting with the VMI Cadet's at the center of our line, flying their beautiful and historic colors was a rare treat for a reenactor. I hate to think that any of you missed this experience!

Special mention must be made of our new Surgeon's work at New Market! Lt Brian Horgan made the long trip down from Ohio, to start with! But more than that, the preparations he made in advance of this event, showed that he will be another great addition to our family! His work was very important to the battle scenarios and was much appreciated by the many wounded men he tended to.

I've already seen a lot of great pictures made at the event, and hope that we can share them with you here as soon as possible!

I look forward to seeing you all soon at Warm Springs!

My compliments to you all,

John Baucom

Re: New Market after action thread...

Captain Baucom,

Thank you for your kind words. It was a pleasure and a privilege to serve at New Market with the unit, so capably led by you and the highly qualified NCO's. It is unfortunate that LIEUTENANT Cheek was AWOL for the event.

As for the medical operations, we will continue the efforts to accurately represent the services of the period. As commanding officer of the infirmary corps of the 28th, I wish to commend our volunteer steward, Zack, who helped greatly, especially on Day 2. I would be happy to enlist any individuals who may be interested in participating as part of our infirmary corps on a regular basis or for specific events.

Once again, thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve with the 28th... the finest fightin' unit in the South!

With my compliments,
Brian W. Horgan
Assistant Surgeon

Re: New Market after action thread...

Surgeon Horgan,
It was a so comforting to know that you were working on our behalf on the field in the face of great danger at New Market. Your bravery shall not be forgotten. God bless you Sir!

I also wanted to point out that Lt. Cheek did not abandon his post, but was actually home on official leave. He is hoping to join his twin brother, Fight'n Pvt. Cheek at Warm Springs. You shall hear from him again soon, regardless.

Re: New Market after action thread...

Dear Lt. Cheek,

I do apologize for any injurious remarks I may have made in regards to your service at New Market. Your twin brother served nobly in your absence. I hope to serve with you and your brother together soon. Would enjoy chatting with the two of you. May God bless and keep you both at the upcoming engagement.

Your obediant servant,
Brian Horgan
Assistant Surgeon

Re: New Market after action thread...


Just wait until you get a chance to meet the "Bumbling Gregory Chick," that poor excuse for a Yankee soldier!