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Hot Springs Reenactment June 3-5 - Registration needed by May 12

Don't forget about the Reenactment at Hot Springs on June 3-5! It is located at Warm Springs NC, near Asheville.

I need to send in preregistration by next Thursday, May 12. The resgistration fee is $8 per person. A Saturday night meal is being provided by the event, but you will need to be pre-registered to take advantage of this though.

Please contact me ASAP if you plan to go.

Last year the event drew about 250 reeenactors and was enjoyed by all who attended.

Re: Hot Springs Reenactment June 3-5 - Registration needed by May 12

I'm planning to go, Greg. I'll pay you the registration tomorrow. I hope we'll have a good sized company of troops with us!

Re: Hot Springs Reenactment June 3-5 - Registration needed by May 12

So far we have the following troops and civilians pre-registered for the Warm Springs reenactment:
Jeff Frank, Greg Cheek, John Baucom, John Seagle, Justin Wall, Brian Duckworth, Joe Duckworth, Brian Henderson, Lori Henderson.

Walkon's are welcome, with a $12 registration fee. The event has only guaranteed a Saturday night meal for all preregistered folks though. Please let me know if you plan to attend.

It is a great event in a beautiful location just above Asheville, NC.

Re: Hot Springs Reenactment June 3-5 - Registration needed by May 12

I learned from 1st Sgt. Henderson tonight, that Pvt's Don and Rosco Lloyd and Tamara Gallimore will make it to Warm Springs as well.

We need more troops... anyone else?