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Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Please make your plans to support the Yadkin Gray Eagles Camp, SCV, at their Confederate Memorial Day Service on Saturday, May 7.

The service will be held at Fall Creek Baptist Church in Jonesville, NC, and will begin at 2:00 pm. Troops who can arrive by 12:30 pm will be treated to lunch by the ladies of the church, led by our own Honorary Camp Member Selena Adams. If you can't make it by lunch, please be there at 1:00 pm to go over the service.

Camp Commander Greg Cheek will be the keynote speaker for the event. He plans to speak on those days in 1861 when North Carolina first declared it's independence from the Union and Yadkinian's began to answer Gov. Ellis' call for volunteers to defend it.

Stan Clardy will also be on hand with period, patriotic music. It will be a special service, I'm sure!

Fall Creek Baptist Church
3380 Fall Creek Church Rd.
Jonesville, NC 28642

Thank you!

John Baucom

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Terry Rose will also be there to play the "pipes". His ancestor, Issac W. Rose was enlisted in the 28th NC Co I, and is buried at the Fall Creek Baptist Chruch cemetery.

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Also, that same day, the town of Jonesville is celebrating it's 200th Anniversary, and is looking for reenactors to help with the opening ceremony salute at Lila Swaim Park that morning at 10:00. Please consider helping with this also, and then going over for lunch at the church. The park is just a couple of minutes from the church.

Please let me know if you can help with this openning ceremony. We'd like to get at least 10 reenactors if possible.

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

i can be at the park for the 10 am blast off then come on over to the church. ramcat reb

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

I pan on joining you for the opening salute as well!

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Some of us need to plan on being over at the church the morning of May 7 to set up the chairs, flags, tent, fly, sound system (by the way, I talked to Barry, we can use his system again. I'll talk to him about picking it up Friday.) Can we do that right after the "blast off?"

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Sounds good to me John. Thanks for chekcing with Barry. Should be a great day. Pray for good weather!

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

Sounds like it's gonna be a beautiful day Saturday! I look forward to seeing all of you there! Selena says to bring your family to the meal at 12:30 at the church. She, and the ladies of the church family, are going all out to fix us a fine meal! Tony says he ain't eating again until Saturday!


Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

... and we really need reeactors to help out! I know it is a busy weekend for many of us, but if you can please consider particpating.

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

The concensus is in. The Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day service today at Fall Creek Baptist Church was the best one we've had yet! The ladies of the church fixed us a fabulous meal! The weather was perfect! Stan Clardy and Terry Rose played and sang some great period music! Greg's talk fired us up and left us wanting more! The folks of the church and community turned out in large numbers! And the volleys fired by the men of the 21st, 28th and 38th NC Troops were perfect! What more could you ask for?

Thank you all for the effort you made to come out on a busy May afternoon to support this event and remember our honorable ancestors. They deserve it, don't they?

With highest regards,

John Baucom

Re: Yadkin Co Confederate Memorial Day, May 7

It was a great day.
The weather was perfect. Good crisp cool air and sunny blue sky.
The music was awesome. We are blessed with such talented fellas as Stan and Terry. The sound man wasn't bad either. Gordon can mix it up with the best of 'em.
The food was fantastic. Selena and the other ladies set the bar way up there on this one.
The vollies were crisp as ever. You fellas sounded great. Captains Baucom and Siemers looked sharp as usual.
The speaker ... well he was ok, but he did keep it down to 25 minutes ... a new record for him!

Thanks also to our pards in the 38th and 21st who came out to support us!

I'd like to extend a special thanks to Bobby Choplin for use of the wonderful grave marker stands that really help us highlight info on the veterans who are buried there. Well done Bobby!

Thanks to all who helped set up and take down the "camp" also.

Many folks came out from the church and community. I think we had a record crowd. Thanks again to Pastor Don Hudson and the church members for their good old Southern hospitality too.

It was a true blessing to there and share in the experience with all who particpated.

To the Old North State ... FOREVER!

Did I leave any thing out?