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Letter from Appomattox Court house to Fannie Bare, Ashe County, NC (imagined)

Apamatax Court House

My Dear Fanny
A kind man here has given me the chance to write you, here at the end. I do not know if you will hear before you get this letter, but genl Lee has surrendered, and when he did, well I gues us in the 26th had to do it. It is a very sad something, to end after so much work. I have cried, and so has the other men in the compny. So it is the end after all.
Today I had to give up all my soljur stuff to the blue bellies, and it was sore hard. I had to give them my rifle, and all my bullets, and even my knif. They let me keep my pouch and my canten. and my clothes. they did give me some food, and I was hungry. they gave me a parol paper too, and said I could ride a train back home, but there ain’t no trains back to dog creek. I guess I will start walkin soon.
When we marched up to give them our stuff, all I could think of was how I kept my promise to you, that I would not get killed. there were men here I know that got killed the same day genl Lee stopped it all. That did not seem right. I ben through a lot since you last herd from me. we was up near richmond for a couple months, then we skeedadled pretty quick, and it seemed like we would never stop. then we did. kind of strange. I never seen anything like it. I can’t wait to see you again. hope this letter finds you in good shape. I still don’t know what happened to jesse after he got captured. that was over a year ago. I don’t know where Ham or Jacob is. All I know is where I am, and that I will be coming back to you. just like I promised. I sure can’t wait to see you. tell every one that I did not get killed and That I will be coming back.
I will give this to the kind man here, and maybe it will get to you before I get home. If I get there first, don’t worry about no messages to anyone.

your husband

Re: Letter from Appomattox Court house to Fannie Bare, Ashe County, NC (imagined)

Thanks for sharing, Mr Bare. Very moving letter.