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Gettysburg Living History August 5-7 2011

I thought I would share this email from Karl Wilkes, the organizer for the Gettysburg Living History later this summer on August 5,6&7th.

For of you who went last year, you know how good it was!

We will portray the 11th NC Troops again this time, but they are considering portraying the 28th NC troops next year. Our particpation this year may influence that as a final decsion.
We need to register by June 1st. Please consider this event and let me know if plan to go.

From Karl ...
Hey Greg,
Hope a lot of your guys go up this year. We've been thinking of maybe doing the 28th next year, so the better the turnout the easier it is to make the case. Having said that, I really don't know what to expect from any of the units. I'm often surprised by the turnout. What with gas prices and the 150th events starting up, it can be tough on anyone to make two longer trips in the same year. I fully understand! I would be surprised if we get the eighty or so from last year, but I would be perfectly happy with forty to sixty this year.
Hope to see as many of you come up as possible, but don't fret it. I'm hoping to go to Appomattox so maybe I'll get to see ya there!

Re: Gettysburg Living History August 5-7 2011

Captain Provost Fightin' Adjutant Cheek,

Pvt J. Duckworth, Pvt D. Harrill, Pvt J. Harrill and I are committed for Gettysburg. Maybe Pvt W. Harrill as well (we are working on that).

It will be a rush at that time of year, we will be fresh off of Manassas and have one weekend to rest up before Gettysburg! Whoo HOoo!