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After-action Report from the Front

I hope that sufficient time has elapsed so everyone has recuperated from our grand fight below Fayetteville. The Carolina's Campaign, has officially kicked off the '11 campaign season. It served as as excellent starting point of polishin' up all the rust, an' sweepin' away the cobwebs of the past winter-camp. Sat. was a little disjointed an' the rust was prevalent. A little extra effort at drill an' workin' on the basics, quickly brought everything back up to 4th Regt. standards. As Sun.'s efforts clearly show.
Closer to home, as for the troops on the volley-line, your grand efforts did not go unnoticed. Attention to orders, an' prompt execution of those orders are what sets us apart an' above other units in the 4th Regt. The working relationship between the 28th an' 38th NC Inf., has over time become seamless an' a work of art. It is, I firmly believe, the envy of many other units. We can not forget our brothers in the 20th NC. Excellent fighters an' they do eat well. Comm. Sgt. Creech, certainly made a lasting impression on Pvt. Rafe Royal. These are boys we clearly do not get to see quite often enough. Our thanks go out to them for their hospitality an' friendship 'round the fire.
My thanks go out to the 28th NC, for the opportunity to be a part of such a fine organization(Yadkin Battalion). 1st Sgt. Henderson, an' I do work so well together. That is a reflection of the bond our respective units have for each other.
My deepest appreciation goes to the boys of Co. B. I can not express fully my admiration an' pride in the rank an' file an' the command staff as well. My warmest regards go out to EACH of you. I must not forget two things-- Mikey's double duty over the week.end, with his work with the Christian Commission, an' his work on the volley-line. Capt. Siemers, was as usual on top of his game. The rigors of command(bein' mainly lookin' after the 1st Sgt.), an' cookin' up a fine Sat. night meal. There are so many thanks that should go out, but I always seem to leave someone out. Mind you, your grand efforts are never never without notice.
MY thanks to ALL!!! I hope to see ALL of you at Appomattox in three weeks.

Jerry Roberts
1st Sgt. Co. B
38th NC Inf.