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Raid on Rockford 2011

The threat to the Town of Rockford has been met and the Yankee criminals who threatened the town are now dead, captured or on the run!

In spite of the weather, we had an excellent turnout of troops and, I am told, by many, that the event was the best one ever there! I wholeheartedly agree!

On Saturday, the tactical battle, designed by Tim Webb, was fun and challenging. The battle scenario was realistic and made full use of the surrounding countryside. The battle had the distintion of suffering the highest rate of attrition of any battle I've ever fought in! No Federal Infantry survived while the Southern forces suffered 99% casualties! My favorite battle adjective, "sanguinary," does not begin to describe the horror of the slaughter!

The Sunday morning church service, led by Brother Kermit Myers, was inspirational and uplifting. The Sunday battle, a street fight that evolved around both our camp and the homes and businesses of Rockford, has been dubbed "The Battle of Jeff's Tent," and will long be remembered as the hottest action we've ever fought in the cold rain!

There are so many special memories that were made this weekend, most notably, the startling sightings of not only Bigfoot, but also the revelation of the existence of Littlefoot! Photographic evidence will be posted as soon as possible! Please help me out by posting your favorite Rockford stories.

Our deepest appreciation go out to Tim Webb, for the great job he did in organizing the event, and to Paul and Carol over at the Rockford General Store. They are good friends and excellent hosts. The Friday night supper sure hit the spot! They were there from morning to night to accomodate our every need. And the porch made a great refuge when the rain was at it's heaviest. Thank God for that porch and those heated bathrooms!

I also appreciate the many great units that came out to support the event in spite of the threatening weather. I love you all. Your friendship is greatly appreciated and your devotion to duty are a testimony to your love of our glorious heritage. We are keeping faith with the men who served the Southland and brought so much honor and glory to our cause: Southern independence!

Now, get you uniforms and equipment cleaned and dried out quickly! Sherman is heading our way and we must rally to meet him at St Pauls, NC, this weekend! I hope y'all have a great week!

John Baucom

Re: Raid on Rockford 2011

Bigfoot appears to have left the Rockford area on a South-Westerly track.