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Rockford work day Feb 26 11:00am - 1:30pm

I talked with Tim Webb this evening. He and other members of the 7th NC Cavalry plan to go to Rockford this Saturday to cleanup the battlefiled a little. They have asked that anyone that can help, try to be there around 11:00 am. If enough people help, they hope to be done by 1:30 in the afternoon.

Please consider helping out a little if you can.

Re: Rockford work day Feb 26 11:00am - 1:30pm

I'll try to go help out.

Re: Rockford work day Feb 26 11:00am - 1:30pm

I greatly appreciate the support of Tony Hine, James Caudle and Dale and Molly Reynolds at the work day yesterday. Working together with Tim Webb and the men of the 7th NC Cavalry got the job done in short order. We are now ready for a great weekend at Rockford! Please continue praying for good weather!