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Our Flag bearer

Well, our flag bearer Dalton has taken a prehit wound before the Rockford engagement. He has a spiral fracture to his left leg above the ankle. Cast up to his thigh. Well be out of commission 6/7 weeks. He sends his apologies to the Capt. and the loyal 28th, he is disappointed as this would have been his 1st battle. Thanks to all for your support while he is trying to learn this task. He is so excited to do this. I will however need some help in outfitting him, because of his size. Any help would be highly appreciated. We will be at Rockford, but he will have to observe with a heavy heart.

Re: Our Flag bearer

Oh Man! I am sorry to hear our color bearer has been wounded en route to Rockford. We'll have the equipment ready when he is ready to return to duty. I look forward to seeing you all at Rockford.

John Baucom

Re: Our Flag bearer

I'm sure that once his wounds are healed though, that Pvt Dalton will be as eager as ever to fight for the cause. I have listed him as wounded, on approved leave of absence, but look forward to seeing him on the field when the time is right.