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The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

...hosted by the 24th VA, will be held here:

Beautiful place!

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I need to know asap who can go up and help out the 24th VA next weekend. There is NO registration fee. I just talked to Gary Parks today and he says there WILL be a Saturday night meal provided by the event.

As you know, the 24th came down and did Federal for us in the pouring rain at Rockford. They saved the day, didn't they? Gary says we should be able to do CSA all weekend, but, as you know, I always carry both uniforms. I recommend you do, as well.

A reminder from the news letter:

On April 29 - May 1, the weekend after Easter, we have been requested to move to the environs of Cloyd's Mountain, where the 24th VA Troops need our support. They are our good friends and gallant comrades. We must do all we can to support them. As Lt Cheek and I can not be at the event for the whole weekend, Sgt Henderson has been brevetted up to Lt and will command our company for the event. Lt Cheek will be able to attend on Friday and Saturday. I will arrive on the scene Saturday evening to be able to attend on Sunday. But Greg and I will fall in with the musket-toting troops there. This will be a great opportunity for all of our NCO's to step up and practice a new position. Please be there if you can.

Thank you,

John Baucom

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Hey Captain John,

I am heading to the NC Division SCV meeting in Valdese, NC on April 30. Reason being, my SCV camp is entered into the Best Camp Newsletter Award in the NC Division and hopefully, if all goes well, the trophy that stands above my computer right now will continue in its present spot.

I will not be able to attend the Cloyd's Mountain event, but are any of the 28th going to the Winston Salem Memorial Service on Sunday? I talked to a few of the guys here and we may be able to support that event if need be.

Corporal B. Duckworth

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I plan to be at Cloyd's Mountain on Friday and Saturday, and at the Salem Memorial on Sunday.

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Good luck with the newsletter competition, Brian! You got my vote!


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

The 24th Virginia has supported our unit well (this year at Rockford was certainly appreciated) and I would like to return the support. I plan to attend the Battle of Columbia, May 7-8, and the Battle of New Market, May 14-15. My father-in-law is scheduled for by-pass surgery next week and I may need to stay close to home, but if everything goes well I still may be able to attend. I'll be there if I can. Otherwise I hope to attend the memorial service at Old Salem on Sunday.

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Jeff, I trust and pray that all will go well with your father-in-law's surgery.


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Yes, the "Battle of Jeff's Tent" could not have happened without the intrepid men of the 24th VA portraying the 83rd PA for us!

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

"Come on up boys the Haberdashery will be there."

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Ok, I've heard from our provost gooftentant Myers that he is making Elvis music this weekend. What about the rest of ya? Come on, I've got to get them a list of names and numbers for the Saturday night meal!

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Sounds good Rex. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Jeff, Hope all goes well for your father-in-law.

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I heard from Doug. Junior and Todd Lawson will be going with us to Cloyd's Mtn but he can't make it.

What about the rest of 'ya????

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Here is the registration list I sent to the 24th VA for Cloyd's Mountain. Anyone else want to get on the list? It's gonna be a beautiful weekend!


Hey guys,

This is the best I can do so far from the 28th NCT. It's a busy time for us.

Lt Brian Henderson and Mrs Lori Henderson
Sgt Jeff Frank
Cpl Justin Wall
Pri John Baucom
Pri Greg Cheek
Pri Junior Lawson
Pri Todd Lawson

If I get further committments I will contact you immediately. See you this weekend.


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

While the 28th is in Virginia this weekend, the Charlotte Artillery will be at Plymouth assisting General Robert F Hoke in recapturing the port from Federal forces, which has occupied the port for the past two years. We hope to hear good news through telegraph from Virginia.


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

With Gen Hoke in command, you cannot help but be successful! We will do our best to assist in the defense of Old Virginia!

Y'all have a safe night and a good weekend!


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I hope to leave work around noon tomorrow and be ready to leave for Cloyd's Mtn around 4pm. Should arrive there about 5:30.

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I'm afraid I won't be able to make the battle this weekend, but plan to lend a rifle to the Old Salem Memorial service on Sunday. (Just too much to do and too little time.)

My father-in-law's surgery went well on Wednesday and he is already walking laps around the ICU. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

I'm glad to hear your father-in-law is doing well! I hope he will continue to recover fully and quickly.

We'll miss you up at Cloyd's Mtn but appreciate you helping out at Old Salem. We should have a good group there from the word I'm getting.


Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Even though we had an unexpected thunder shower this morning, the Cloyd's Mountain event of 2011 goes down as a wonderful success! Congratulations go out to our partners in the 24th VA, who did an excellent job hosting the event!

We were blessed to have our brothers of the 13th NC to camp and fight with. They, as always, are most gracious, allowing us to share in their commissary like the family we are.

Quote of the weekend:


Nickname of the weekend:

Bob "Fireball" Etzler.

During the early morning hours Sunday, a noticable flaring of the campfire caught a sleeping comrades attention, who upon checking, was able to see Cpl Etzler's blankets smoking, where upon he shouted at Bob the above quote. Bob, rising quickly from his slumber, rolled away from the fire, only to allow oxygen to the smoldering blanket, which then went up in full flame! Quickly rolling back, the fire was extinguished. Please note, upon your next opportunity, to compliment Bob's newly, "Sam Lynched" trousers! (Yes, that is now the way we describe a uniform which has been soiled or damaged!)

You can't make this stuff up!

Many thanks to all of you who were able to support the Cloyd's Mountain event for the Mighty 28th!

John Baucom

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

The port of Plymouth has been recaptured by General Hoke's Confederate troops this past weekend after being occupied by Union troops for the previous two years. The CSS Albemarle was critical in this operation, as it sank one Union gunboat and chased another one away. All of our brave artillerymen made it through this tough fight, and will be reporting back Virginia soon.

Tim Sheppard
Charlotte Artillery

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Further elements of the 28th and 21st NC have retaken Salem, NC. The happy citizens baked us some cookies.

Corporal B. Duckworth

Re: The Battle of Cloyd's Mountain, April 29 - May1...

Just heard a new a qote

Some say the glass is half empty some say the glass is hlaf full all I wanna kno is who the hell is drinkin my beer!

Pri TJ Miller