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Carolina's Campaign March 11-13 2011

The Carolina's Campaign is March 11-13.
However, The official Confederate registration cutoff is actually this Saturday (Jan 15). I am going to contact the event cooridnator to see if they will work with us on that, and will keep you posted, and will provide details soon.

Please keep in mind that this is not just a 4th Regiment Battalion event, but is an ANV event, which means that there could be bewteen 300-1000 troops there. We don't get very many ANV sponsored events in NC.

Re: Carolina's Campaign March 11-13 2011

Both Duckworth boys are in, just keep us informed!

HP Duckworth

Re: Carolina's Campaign March 11-13 2011

Charlotte Artillery will be attending. See you guys there.

Tim Sheppard

Re: Carolina's Campaign March 11-13 2011

I hope we'll be fighting on the same side, Tim! I hope you'll consider attending our meeting on the 29th as well as our Lee-Jackson Banquet in Febuary!
