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Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Who's going?

Who wants to drive?

Do some of us from western NC want to meet up at Bojangle's in Yadkinville and eat breakfast before heading to Hillsborough?

What time do you want to meet up? I think we need to leave by 7AM so we don't have to hurry and take the chance of getting another speeding ticket...

I know Lt Cheek and I are planning on going. WHO'S WITH US!!!???

John Baucom

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

I plan on attending sir.

Cpl Frank

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

I also plan on attending. See you there lads!!!

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Chaplain David Woodall says he will be attending as well!

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Pvt Joe Duck and I have been assigned to a secret mission this weekend. Elements of the 88th New York have been seen around the Sample Farm on the Catawba River. We have been asked to infiltrate their location and gather as much intelligence as we can. We are to be disguised as Federals and have been trained in Gaelic to throw the enemy off to our plans.

Much safety to all of you travelling this weekend. Watch out for the provosts!

HP Duckworth

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Good luck on this special mission, Men! I'll be awaiting your report.

Capt JB

Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Lt Cheek, Chaplain Woodall and myself, will be meeting at the Bojangles at Yadkinville at 7 AM on the 8th and leaving for Hillsborough at 7:30 AM.


Re: Annual meeting of the 1st NC Battallion is THIS WEEKEND JAN 8!!!

Looking forward to another exciting year with the 4th Regiment. Many events to choose from this year as we kick off the 150th cycle!