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Greetings my dear Captain Baucom
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you and our brave lads who struggle each and every day to defend out country form the dreaded North Men a very successful New Year. Hopefully we will be able to round up all those North-men and send them to Mexico!
Carry on, Captain and will see you on the field of honour!
Brigadier General JH Lane

Re: Greetings!

My response on our behalf:

General Lane!

Thank you very much for taking the time to remember me and my troops at this wonderful time of year! I have already dispatched your message out to the individual companies of the regiment. The men are always very appreciative of your thoughtful and inspiring correspondence. We will have your 2011 photograph posted on our website shortly as well.

I trust that you and Colonel Bowman will continue having great success defending our western borders from the Yankee horde. I look forward to meeting you gentlemen sometime during the 150th Anniversary cycle of the War that we are about to embark on. It should be quite a campaign!

God bless you Sir! God bless our illustrious Brigade! And God bless the Southland!

John Baucom
Commanding North Carolina Troops