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North Carolina Standard, May 20, 1863


From the May 20, 1863 edition of the (Raleigh) North Carolina Standard newspaper:

We publish below the casualties in Gen. Lane's brigade in the battle of Chancellorsville. This brigade is composed of entirely North Carolina troops, and the long list of killed and wounded show how desperately they fought. While we mourn the dead, every son of our noble old State will feel proud that their common mother has furnished such a band of heroes.

Twenty-Eighth NC Regiment:

Field and Staff: Killed-None. Wounded-Lt. Col. Speer.

Company A-Killed- Corp. J McKinney, Private J Stanley. Wounded- Sgt. Ervin Reed, privates C H Atkinson, J H Harden, W F Cunningham, M C Gates, E W Bray.

Company B- Wounded- Lt. R D Ryne, Sgt. J B Carson, Corpls J G Falls, F Suggs, privates E J Clements, J H Grier, J A Marrow, J C Manning, John Murphy, C Neal, C Carpenter.

Company C- Killed- Privates L A Yount, M Hofner, B Wagoner. Wounded- Capt. T J Linebarger, Corp. F Tinbeyfield, privates J S Snyder, M Seits, D Berrymann, A L Campbell, J C Carter, J M Gunn, O Grawz, W Hoffman, A Herman, S Honeycut, J Heas, P Little, J Linebarger, H Miller, D Pruney, J Pruney, S Waight, N Yount, M Bolch.

Company D-Killed- Privates J A Crighton, J W Honeycut. Wounded- Lt. L Lowder, privates T F Kirk, W Ford, O Little. Missing- Private A K Miller

Company E- Killed- Private E H Brewer. Wounded- Lt. Thomas Green, Sgt. E Hall, privates L Cook, A Bennett, M A Hunt, J M Hester, W D Smith.

Company F- Wounded- Privates J G Bounder, M Munock, W D Hall, W Welch, P Loy

Company G- Killed- Private J C Dallyheight. Wounded- Captain E G Morrow, Sgt. D F Morrow, Corpls W F Edwards, W Markland, J S Dunham, privates H C Crawford, J Dunham, J R Morros, J A Morris, N Pendergrass, S Sikes, J Andrews, F S Quackenbush. Missing- Private N Straughn.

Company H- Killed- Sgt. J L Jolly, privates C W Palmer, W D Hawks. Wounded- Sgt T C Bridges, privates A C Burgess, D O Green, V B McSwain, P G Humphries, P Bridges.

Company I- Killed-Sgt. D C Casey. Wounded- Corp. L.W. Shores, privates J W Jennings, J Everage, S B Carlton, B Jenkins, J D Dickinson.

Company K- Wounded- Lt. I T Biles, privates, W H Russell, S Mott, A Hinson, T Whitley, J M Coley, G Alman, L A Feer, A C Burriss, and Britton Parks.

Re: North Carolina Standard, May 20, 1863

Very interesting news Tim, especially about Companies, B I and F that we take great interest in.
But they are all interesting too!

HP Duckworth