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28th NC Youtube Page

Hello everybody,

I've been compiling a bunch of videos from this past year from various reenactments and will be placing them on here. If you are a on Youtube, send a subscriber request to this account page. Enjoy, I've posted the Fort Fisher and West Jefferson videos I have so far. Much much more to come during the winter downtime. See link below.

HP Duckworth

Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

Good job High Private Duckworth! It's fun to look back at these videos and remember the places we've been and the things we've done. I can't wait to see some more from the past and those we have yet to make!


Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

Here's you one, John:


Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

That's a good one, too, Tim! Can we post this on our video page here on the website?


Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

Of course you can! Here is also a couple of videos of you guys at Allison's Woods this year:

Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

Thanks Tim! You the Man!

Re: 28th NC Youtube Page

I've uploaded some new videos on the 28th Youtube Page.

Here's the link again. Can you reckon I had too much cabin fever this weekend?

HP Duckworth