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Fort Branch Quotes

John Siemers:
My Fort Branch Quote... While attempting to purchase breakfast for Private Hess and myself,I inquired of the lady operating the Fort Branch Commissary if they had ham and egg biscuits, to which she replied," no ,we have hogs in this part of the south, we only have sausage and eggs". My reply was "just where do you think ham comes from"?

Unloading Friday night had Sgt Wilson, Captain Baucom and I unloading the "wagon" when Captain Baucom exclaims, "WHY THERE IS MY LONG UNDERWEAR!"
This prompted Sgt Wilson to say, "You carry that!" (while looking over at me). Captain Baucom says, "Well they have been washed!" verbatim

During the Tactical on Saturday, Sgt Henderson was reported to have said simply, "S*** Cavalry!" and here they came!

During Sunday's battle, the 38th's newest recruit, Pvt Hess went down in the fray. Pvt J Duckworth exclaimed, "They got the rookie!"

Please send more if you can remember them!


Re: Fort Branch Quotes

While standing near the canteen, I overheard the lady serving 3 yankees .. "I'll feed you breakfast if you'll just let us win today!".