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The Battle of Fort Branch

Dispatch to Richmond....

If anyone can read this message, please alert the remaining 28th NC troops on leave, fulough, or wounded furlough to return to duty as soon as possible on order from Brevet Captain Cheek.

Heavy losses occurred during the attack on Fort Branch. Heavy Union forces hit the left wing and decimated the 28th NC and 38th NC.

Known Casualties:

Cpt Baucom
Lt J Siemers
1st Sgt Henderson
2nd Sgt Wilson
Cpl Frank

Pvts: W. Dulin, J. Dulin, J Milholland, K Middleton, S. Lynch, J Duckworth, L. Hess (joined only a day ago), B. Harris

Only Brevet Cpt Cheek, Brevet 1st Sgt Roberts, Pvt R Lloyd, D. Lloyd, and myself, Brevet 2nd Sgt B Duckworth survived.

Please send help, we have been assigned to Turnersburg. There are numerous reports that Lt. Cheekwitz has returned and is causing atrocities only he can conjure up in the local area. There are even reports of War Crimes on our Southern Livestock!

I remain,
Most Respectfully
Brevet 2nd Sgt B Duckworth
28th NCT (whats left of it)

Re: The Battle of Fort Branch

Field Hospital
Near Hamilton, NC

Fear Not! I am alive!

Left on the field, presumed dead at Ft Branch, I was found to be still barely alive by locals who came by to pick cotton near the fort. They cared for me tenderly until they were able to transport me here, to the Confederate Field Hospital, where I should recover fully after a few more days of treatment. Praise God!

I will make arrangements to travel to Turnersburg, as soon as it is practicable, to rejoin the fight against Yankee oppression.

The evidence is clear that Lt Cheekowitz is once again in our country, causing mayhem and destruction. Atrocities committed aginst our innocent farm animals are his personal specialty. Oh, the depravity of the man! We must rid our ravaged country of these demons! We must rally to the defense of Turnersburg! We must kill Cheekowitz!

I will join you there as soon as possible.

For the Old North State!

John Baucom

Re: The Battle of Fort Branch

Thank God that you are alive Captain Baucom!
We had feared the worst after you went down in that terrible battle. It nearly broke our hearts, looking back at your lifeless body as we were driven from the field. Now to know that you are in good hands once again, we are further inspired to fight on. We look forward to that happy reunion and I am most anxious to return command of the company to your most able leadership and dedication to our cause!

As to that Cheekwitz, I am ready to fight him any time, any where, night or day, rain or shine!

While I cannot speak in regards to his attrocities towards our livestock, I have heard from some of the locals that he has been seen in the area looking for and seeking revenge against me personally, since my triumphant encounter with Bavcora last year at the Turnersburg farm. Seems that Cheekwitz and Bavcora were roommates at West Point. Bavcora's demise at my hand has done nothing but infuriate Cheekwitz even more. I have heard from reliable sources of his insults towards you as well. My blood boils just thinking about the pure arrogance of the man.

Take care my Captain. Cheekwitz is more determined than ever. Although his last name is similar to mine, make no mistake ... he is in no way related to any of us Cheek's in North Carolina, not nobody, not no how!
If he steps foot in our country again, I pray that someone shall teach him a lesson that he shall never forget.

Your devoted Fight'n Adj.
Lt. Cheek

Re: The Battle of Fort Branch

Lt Cheek,

Thank you for your kind regards. I will take to heart your warning. You must beware, also, as it was you who dealt the fatal blow to the wonderful philantropist and humanitarian, Captain John Bavcora. It is you who will be the focus of Lt Cheekwitz's fury. If this foul wretch is indeed in our area, he will be looking for cold revenge. He will be looking for YOU.

I am home now, recovering nicely from my Ft Branch wounds. My spirits are high. I am ready to lead the fight against the devious and devilish Cheekwitz. He must not be allowed to roam our country freely, terrorizing our people AND our gentle farm animals. He must be stopped. Cheekwitz MUST be killed!

John Baucom

Re: The Battle of Fort Branch

I have just received correspondence from our regimental surgeon, Dr Feel Goode, and he shares the marvelous news that our 1st Sgt, Brian Henderson, has survived the debacle at Ft Branch, as well! Sadly, he was wounded in both eyes (poison oak), presumably by shot from a cannister round. He will recover fully, says the good doctor. However, his eyes are swollen shut at the present time. The doctor says he will recover fully by the time of our rendevous at Turnersburg. He is administering ether for the pain (and a steroid shot), which Sgt Henderson, I am told, enjoys!

Please help me pray for his quick and complete recovery!

John Baucom