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"You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

28th NCT,

It was one heck of a weekend down here at Latta Plantation. The three of us 28th NC members along with Jason Williams of the 88th NY troops made the woods sound like a whole two army conflict on Friday night.

Saturday night was even better. Lt Cheek received a "cheek" wound and there are photos to show for that as well as white faced Duckworth brothers with Gary Byrd too. We had about 10 fighters for Saturdays woods battle in the dark and we sure put on a show for the crowds.

This could be the new September Storm right Lt? Yall had to be there to take it in!

Toward the middle of the night and on Friday, there were several good quotes coming from the woods.

At one point, one tour visitor went screaming as a maniacal laughter came from the other side of the woods. I yelled out, "Yall got a haint problem!"
"I got something to take care of him!" Then BOOOM from the musket.

It was quiet and then we hear, "You can't kill a haint!"

Pvt Joey Duckworth who took a hit was bayoneted by the 88th NY Irish Jason Williams and one spectator went, "Whoa, did he get a musket in the butt?"

Other quotes were hollered out during the night like!

"Make sure to tell Abe Lincoln he wasn't honest!"

"Vote McClellan!"

Should have seen it to believe it!

HP Duckworth

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

It was too much fun! Makeup was a first for me at one of these, and I did recover from my cheek wound quickly once I hit the shower at home.

We have many photos from the event, and will post them soon.

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

I got the photos Greg, thanks a bunch!

Haha, it looks like your photograph was taken mid-war.
Theres a gunshot wound to your cheek. Where was the entrance wound? haha


Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

The above message was from me.....:P

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

Lol, I thought maybe you were having an identity crisis!

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

That was the entrance wound. There was NO exit wound, and spit out the lead shot.

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

I wish I could remember the other quotes. There were many funny and interesting words uttered in the woods that night for sure.

Re: "You can't kill a haint!" and other Latta Plantation Ghost Walk Quotes

I just remembered one ..

As we were fighting at the edge woods, one of the ladies who was dressed out and guiding one of the groups on the ghost walk, asked me ... "Have you seen my husband?". I sadly replied, "No maam,I have not!".

Immediately she pointed out to me, "My husband is dead ... we are all dead here, you know."

She then turned and soon faded into the darkness down the path with the group of bewildered onlookers.