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gettysburg video

Hello Friends,
I just received my cd from the Gettysburg weekend. Thanks Greg for sending it. All I can say is, " Wow Kermit Wow"! I sat alone and watched in my den, and as the memories came flooding back, and the tears rained down, as I recalled the emotion, camraderie, the baring of souls, and the melding of a group of indviduals into one entity, of brotherhood,love and devotion to the memory and sacrifices of those that went before us.As I said before, that is ours to share and keep forever, and can never be taken from us.I will never forget it.God bless you my friends.

Your humble servant,

Re: gettysburg video

You are very welcome Curt. Kermit is the man!
It was an experience that certainly will not be forgotten by anyone was able to be there in August. I for one felt all of the emotion that you described. My ancestor was there and was wounded/captured along with his brother on the 3rd day of Gettysburg at the end of the Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble assault.

Re: gettysburg video


That was an awesome video!


Re: gettysburg video

The above message was from me....:P