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1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

This yrs. Corn Shuckin' at Horne Creek Farm, was a resounding success. Thanks, of course to the weather. Which, really brought the crowds out. Thanks also goes to all who attended and helped us represent Co. B 38th NC Inf. I do believe, that as we rendered honors in the family cemetary for Virgil Hauser, that he would certainly be proud. He fought with the 21st NC.
Thanks go to the 28th NC, for falling with us and helping out. Pvt. Wall, is to be commended. He is a good soldier, and is attentive to orders. He is an excellent representitive of the NC Confed. soldier. The 28th NC, Should be justly proud of this young man.
We were fed some first-rate chicken-stew, beans n' cornbread, and pound cake. The Farm Staff, have always treated us like kings. This wk.end was no exception.
There was alot of interest shown in the history and in the 38th NC. We look forward to seeing some new faces around the ol' campfire in the near future. We did have new recruit Rodney Johnson, in attendance. We are growing and the coming days will be exciting.
As I said earlier, this wk.end was a success. The Command Staff and Cadre, are very pleased at the turnout. It would not and could not be possible without the men in the ranks. It is YOU that makes any event not only possible but a success. It is to you that our thanks go to.
The Farm Staff, was gracious and helpful in every way as always. If you ever get the chance, go by there and tell them thanks and how wonderful this place really is.

I Am Your Humble

Jerry Roberts
1st Sgt. Co. B
38th NC Inf.

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Sgt Roberts,

Thank you very much for the good report on the Corn Shuckin' event. I'm very glad the event was so successful for y'all!

And, yes, we do highly value the service of High Private Wall in the 28th NC Troops. That's why he is the youngest High Private in the entire Army of Northern Virginia!

And, belated Happy Birthday wishes go out to Private Bobby Harris of the 38th NCT! He is the best color bearer in the army!

I'm looking forward to serving the Old North State with y'all over at Ft Branch next month. Have y'all decided to come on that campaign with us?

John Baucom
28th NC Troops

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Sounds like y'all had a great weekend. I hate could not have been there to help.

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Yes, we will be goin' to Branch. I did forget to mention that you have your very own "chainsaw" for when the firewood gets low. Pvt. Wall, tried out a two man crosscut saw on a black walnut log. His exact words were, I believe, " This is fun. This is awesome!" Of course it was only one (1) log, and not a cord of wood. Then maybe it would not be so "awesome".

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

I would like to also repeat what Jerry stated, High Pvt. Justin Wall, is to be commended. He is a great soldier, and is attentive to orders. He is an excellent representative of the NC Confederate Soldier. The 28th NC should be justly proud of this young man. And Justin if you read this, you will remember that that I personally told you so, after our first demonstration at Horne Creek. I would proud to serve with you again on any field of honor. Till we meet again.

Sgt. Gary Hall

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

I'm glad to hear y'all will be coming to Ft Branch!

And, Sgt Hall, we in the 28th are blessed with several very good young troops. Justin, Slater, Jonathon (Jaybird) and Sam help us "old-timers" by making such realistic impressions. As you know, they are the ages our great-grandfathers were when they fought the War Between the States.

I would like to commend all of these young men for their service! I will add your personal commendation to High Private Wall's service record.

John Baucom

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Thanks everyone! Gary, i would be proud to serve with you to!.

I had a good time with the 38th this weekend.

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Don't get the big head, High Private!

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

His head gets too big, give him a crosscut saw. An' tell him he's got to cut ALL the company firewood for Branch. AND--stack it. That should do it.

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Lol, better bring that saw with you, Sergeant, I got a feeling we'll need it!


Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

I want to see HP Wall work it at Fort Branch. If Pvt. Sam shows we will need the firewood.

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report


Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Because Sam is not satisfied with a mere "fire." It must be a SUPER COLLOSSAL MASSIVE INFERNO of a fire. A fire capable of forging metal, at the very least!


Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Check the link for a "Sam" approved fire...

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Well, the link will take you to the page, then scroll down to the bottom and look at last year's Turnersburg bonfire. As you can see, HP Wall is dwarfed by it's massive size! "WATCH OUT JUSTIN, YOU'RE GONNA GET BURNED!!!!"

Re: 1st Sgt.'s Corn Shuckin' Report

Co. B 38th NC Inf., goes by the NC Revised Hall's Manual Of Firebuilding And Evolutions Of The Inferno. He must have went to Sgt. Hall's School Of The Torch. Let's not get the two of them together. Sgt. Hall, actually melted the Looey's firegrate. We had to beat it back into shape.