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After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

Supplemental After-action Report For 1-3 Oct. '10--Jeb Stuart

The morning came early and cool, as the 1st NCUV, made its first venture into Patrick County VA. As 2nd Co. with the 83rd Penn., the 1st NCUV, was part of the Federal Battalion, under the command of Col. David Cooper.
As word spread that the Confederate forces of Gen. T. Shelton's Brigade, were approaching, plans were put into action for their warm reception. And warm it was, as the cavalry forces clashed with the rolling crescendo of clanging sabre's and screaming horses . The artillery performed warm and deadly practise with counter-battery fire. as the cavalry and artillery fought with each other, the Southern infantry proceeded to advance in force.
Col. Cooper, had placed the Federal forces of his command on a slight rise. With the advancing Confederate tidal wave came the fear of being swept under by superior numbers. When in doubt, ATTACK!!! Col. Cooper, had each company advance, fire, then fall back. This brought the Shelton's advance to an abrupt halt.
Shelton' right wing, broke off, coming through the wood-line on Cooper's left, threatened to flank the entire Federal position. He relayed orders down to 2nd Company. With a small force under Sgt. Hall, fighting desperately for every inch of ground, this small force brought the flanking movement to a screeching halt. With defeat and death, only seconds away, Sgt. Hall, managed not only halt that advance put also managed to push back the Confederate forces.
Yet, there was never really any doubt as to the outcome. With mounting casualties, Col. Cooper, could not hold on for long. With one final push, Shelton's forces finally won the day.
As this was the 1st NCUV's debut on the field of honor, this was a momentous occaision on many counts. One being that this was Col. David Cooper's final event. I believe I speak for the entire 1st NCUV, when I say i wish him the best in his future endeavors, and that it was an honor to have served under his command. My thanks to the 24th Va./83rd Penn. and the 27th NC, for their comradeship and hearty co-operation.
With the able leadership of Lt. Siemers, Pvt. Marcela, and Sgt. Hall, this 20th Jeb Stuart event, was a resounding success.

I Am Your Humble Servant

Jerry Roberts
1st Sgt. Co. B
1st NCUV

Re: After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

Excellent report, Brother Jerry! Thanks! I reckon you noticed that y'all killed me...

Re: After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

That was a great report from your side Sgt Jerry. I had a great time at Jeb too. Did you by chance grab the Havlock? Was the Havlock passed to someone else?

HP Duckworth

Re: After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

Yes. Great report Sgt Roberts.

I did watch in horror as your dealy fire brought down our Captain. For a few minutes I did get my chance at glory as I hurriedly took his place in front of our company. The sudden rise in rank did not last long, however, as the nearly mortally wounded Captain Baucom was quickly revived and the company was yielded back to his trusted command. That was a close one!.

Re: After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

I got a chance to hold and admire the jewel encrusted, gold braided havelock of Col "Carnage" Cooper after the battle Sunday. I had never considered the fact that there might be "dress" havelocks. I still have so much to learn...

Re: After-action Report of Jeb Stuart '10

CC has two sets of them. An impressive array of havlockery! Hopefully we will yet get a another glance of them at Manassas next summer.