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Jeb Stuart

My compliments to the glorious 28th North Carolina,
I believe that Jeb Stuart is the first time our unit ever fought against the 28th ,and I can say ,we would rather fight with you than against you, but duty called..
It did give me a great chance to observe you in battle. As I lay on the field wounded at Sundays battle,I looked across the field and saw you do a right wheel around the little patch of woods,and come on line..YOU ALL LOOKED FANTASTIC! every man in line,was working and keeping the line straight....
Saturday when you were facing the yanks,and fired volley's, the very first one, the Lt on the 2nd Company was heard to say "D**M a perfect volley".
Men I can true fully say it's one thing when a new man is excited about something that just happened perfectly....It's another when a guy who's been in the hobby 15 years says it......
Job well done..You should all be proud of yourselves,because we sure are!
My respects,

1st Lt John Siemers
1st North Carolina Union Volunteers

Re: Jeb Stuart

Lt Siemers,

Thank you very much for your very kind words. Having to face the 1st NC Union Vols in combat was a daunting task, but we followed our training and did our best in the face of you fearsome assault and galling fire. I believe both of our units are "hors de combat" after the terrible slaughter we inflicted on each other. I hope it will be a long time before the Mighty 28th will have to face the 1st NC Union Vols on the field of battle again!

My compliments to you and to each of your Men!

John Baucom