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JEB 2010 Quotes!

Heard while enjoying the excellent Saturday night supper prepared by Mrs Lori Henderson:

"I like meat...and this thing."

High Private Justin Wall
Battle at Laurel Hill
October, 2010

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

By the way, the "thing" mentioned above was a homemade cherry turnover, prepared by Mrs Lori Henderson, which we all "liked" very much!

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Heard from the woods while viewing the cavalry action taking place on the field in front of him:


As the captain caught sight of his angel of mercy, the excellent seamstress, Corporal Katie, who saw him strugging to sew his badge of rank on his new NC Militia sackcoat in sutler town and rushed to his asisstance! Katie serves with our good friends in the 1st NC Cav. God bless you, Corporal Katie!

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Oh, good, it was a rider you were yelling at. (Some of the boys were wondering if 'Katie' was the name of a horse.) Thanks for the clarification.

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Here's another one. " Keys!!! They're locked safe 'n sound in my truck!!! I can't lose 'em now!!!

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

"I want to make sure that there are two men in front of the lieutenant this time." -Lt. Greg Cheek before the Stony Ridge battle.

"Uh oh, I better switch file partners." - new recruit Pvt. Joel after I happily informed him that he was the fourth file partner I've gone through today during the battle of Dranesville.

"You do not need to check our passes." -Lt. Cheek playing Confedi mind tricks on the bridge guards.

Had a great time as always and was privileged to fight along side the legendary Ben Tart as well as the guest and vids to come.

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Sorry for the confusion, Jeff! Lol...

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

I've got several:

"What are you doing here?"

Sgt Damon Wilson upon seeing me at the bridge on pickett duty at roughly 6:45 in the morning (already thirty minutes into my pickett duty).

"All right, I'll take you up there, but if nobody knows you, well I guess unfortunately, you'll have to be hanged!"

HP Duckworth upon escorting a 2nd Sgt to his camp and verifying that he was a member. His pass was left back home with his wife.

"I'm looking for that Colonel Baycom and have a shot for him" Verbatim

Provost Marshall Gordon Myers (still stung from his battle wounds at Allison's Woods).

"Where is the 1st Sgt?" Corrina Henderson.
"He's over there" HP Duckworth
"She didn't call me daddy?" Sgt Henderson
"Nope, she asked where the 1st Sgt was" HP Duckworth

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Lt Cheek and his Confederate Jedi mind tricks come in quite handy sometimes, don't they!!

Re: JEB 2010 Quotes!

Col Baycom lost his battalion at the Battle of Allison's Woods and it will be quite some time before he can replenish his command, perhaps a year...I doubt we'll be seeing him anytime soon!