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J.E.B. Stuart

Folks this was a great event... especially Sunday... which I guess is not unusual, (that Sunday is good)... but I want to share a couple of thoughts.

One: I am honored... and you know, we use that word, "honored", a lot, because it is period correct... but I mean, it really IS a personal honor to me... taken to heart... to have been selected to be the 2nd Sgt. of the best... the "Best"... reenactment unit in the whole of the Hobby... the 28th NCT companies "I" and "F". I thank you so very much for the opportunity to grow in the Hobby, and I thank you...that's right, YOU... for helping me to learn so much about our shared heritage, and to do a little guidance for new folks in our unit. Weekends Like this weekend, humble me... I have so much to learn, and Every Single ONE of You teaches me... Thank you for helping me live up to some of my dreams in life.

Second: I want all of you to know, no matter whether you wear bars on your collar, or stripes on your sleeve, or you are a Slick Sleeve Fighter... I miss you when you are not with us. I am not talking some vague, "the Unit needs you" kind of stuff here. I am telling you that I, personally, miss you when you are not there. There is not one of you that I do not value, that I do not count as important, that I do not personally feel the loss, when you are unable to to be with us. YOU-- and yes, I really mean YOU-- are missed, by your 2nd. Sgt., when you are not there.

I hope to see all of you... soon... and frequently... you are my friends.... and I value you you more than you may realize... Thank you for your support... thank you for your Friendship... thank you for your presence...
thank you for your Faith... You keep our shared history alive... YOU make it real. I love each and every one of you folks, and my day is best, when I can spend it with you.

2nd Sgt. Damon Wilson
part of the 28th NCT, Co. I & F

Re: J.E.B. Stuart

I wholeheartedly concur with the sentiments expressed by my eloquent good friend and comrade, 2nd Sergeant Wilson.

And, I thank you, Sergeant Wilson, for your devotion to duty and fidelity to the Cause!

John Baucom