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Important Notice!


All members of the 28th NC Troops need to be made aware that our own Ramcat Reb (Private Gordon Myers) has been sworn in as Special Deputy Provost Marshal of the Regiment effective immediately! Provost Captain Brad Hively administered the oath of office today. Special Deputy Provost Marshal Myers will be on duty this weekend at Ararat, and will be on the lookout for scalawags, deserters and other assorted ne'er do wells. I don't know about you all, but I'm planning on keeping my nose clean!

John Baucom

Re: Important Notice!

That sounds like a good plan!!!

Re: Important Notice!

Don't let that scare you off Bill! Come on down!

Re: Important Notice!

Congratulations Provost Ramcat! The Fight'n Adjutant has been authorized to pay extra for that.

Re: Important Notice!

Congrats Provost Myers. He was another survivor of Colonel Baycoms Charge! Glad he made it!

Re: Important Notice!

I was sure lucky to be in with the ambulance train to the rear when the fatefull charge took place. but I hate that i missed it and im goin to try my best to make it to JEB, I cant stand missin em.

Re: Important Notice!

duck was that colonel baycom the one who drove us into that wall of fire and lead at allisonswoods. we were so close when the yanks opened up i had to roll around on the ground to put the flames out on my eyelashes are just now growing back.keepan eye out for that baycum feller.

Re: Important Notice!

There could be no better choice than My Friend, Gordon, would begin to take those duties of Provost, that are so necessary in a well ordered unit, than Mr Myers. Now, does this involve a change in rank?

Re: Important Notice!

I wholeheartedly concur with the sentiments expressed by my eloquent good friend and comrade, 2nd Sergeant Wilson.

Yes, I think an advance in rank would be in order.

John Baucom