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Gold Hill - After Action Report

Arrived at Gold Hill around 6:30 Friday evening, where most of the soldiers had already arrived and setup camp. After lending a hand with the last of the tents, we moseyed into town for food and drink, passing musicians who had gathered at the general store to entertain any and all. Unfortunately, time did not allow for us to enjoy the music, as well as the food and drink, so that will have to be enjoyed another day. We returned to camp and the typical comradery of the camp fire until late into the night.

After some breakfast the following morning, we awaited the arrival of additional troops, which were delayed for unknown reasons. Later in the morning we paraded through town, joined by many locals, and fired several volleys for the crowds. Some reinforcements began trickling in throughout the day.

Later in the day, around 3:30 in the afternoon, a small group of Yankees appeared and began harassing some of the women folk. Our picket alerted us to their presence and the company quickly formed to repel the threat. Following several exchanges of volleys and maneuvering, the majority of the Yanks were killed or captured (two evaded capture in the woods, one of which was armed with an abnormal number of pistols). The prisoners received some "special" treatment from the ladies before the end of the unpleasantness.

The General thanked the participating units, including the 63rd, 28th, 38th and 49th, after which the troops dispersed.

Re: Gold Hill - After Action Report

The Cpl. forgot to mention his part in repelling the intruding Yankee foragers. As Bvt. 2nd Sgt., he did a very admirable job. It was in large part to his actions that the !@#$ bummers were rightfully taken care of and got what they justly deserved.

Re: Gold Hill - After Action Report

Good job, Men! Thank you for your service to the Town of Gold Hill and the Old North State!

John Baucom

Re: Gold Hill - After Action Report

I wish I could have been there, and am looking forward to addtional reports of the Gold Hill campaign around the camp fire at JEB.

Re: Gold Hill - After Action Report

the 63rd NCT would like to thank Cpl. Frank of the 28th NCT and Lt. Siemers and 1st Sgt. Grandma Roberts of the 38th NCT. for their service at Gold Hill! With their help almost all the bummers were killed or captured with only 2 escaping!! The 7th WV Cav. was not expecting a fight for the town and were dispatched in turn. Unfortunatly the 2 bummers that got away were their Sgt. Major and a High Private. These were the 2 that attacked the ladies and needed to be dealt with!! The 63rd hunted for them after the battle and into the night with no luck in finding them!! So they will no doubt be heard from again!!