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end game

website going down soon.. not coming back up. 17th of march will be colourmaps last gig at the pressure point.

See ya!


Re: end game

all our efforts were worth it. about time. too much crap being played these days. play what you feel, not what you think people want to hear. get your hair cut. nob head... ginger Kunt. wicked

Re: end game

heh. yeah

play what I feel, not what I think other people will like?

Interesting one that. if you want to know the truth you loser (and i call you a loser because you lose all the time even in this forum by putting forward flawed nonsense as your opinion) its that bands do things because they hear something in a riff they create that they like being ascociated with.

Colourmap was different in that way, I wrote progressions and harmonies that really inspired emotions in me. Not unusual rhythmic stuff that I knew would provide idiots like you with a quirky reason to like me.

From a lyrical perspective, they were about my life, and you can't really attack that. Can you be pretencious in making observations about things in our lives that are difficult to deal with? You satisfy you I would need to talk about clicheed ideals that 'cool' bands go on about.

I'll agree that perhaps my influences shone through a little too strong, but come on, they are my favourite artists. They inspired the material. So of course to someone who doesn't understand the subtleties of melodic rock it will sound similar.

Unfortunatly for you, people liked us. We didn't give you the token things you wanted to feel segregated by enjoying it and so felt offended by normal people who liked it because they didn't have such hang ups.

If you really cared about any of the things you've said, You'd talk to me personally, And I still welcome you to. You really don't have to scared of me.

All thats left is for you to reply with a dismisive message that makes it seem pointless me writing this to you, so i look forward to that and the fact that you haven't got a foot to stand on.

And remember you hate me, not the band as a name. So while I dislike the name colourmap and am not going to be ascociated with it any longer, you can look forward to alot more music from me in the future..

Oh and the reason for colourmap go bye bye is that jonny (the bassist) will be leaving for home to get a job at the end of june. Not because of a sad git who hangs around a bands forum who he doesn't even like!?
