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Wow great wicked, you guys are so average. Really don't know what your all about, whats your aim, what are you trying to achieve musically? There is nothing that you have produced that i haven't heard elsewhere.

what makes you different from the thousands of bands out there? if you think that having silly girly hair will add style to your band, then youv'e got a few personal issues you may need to deal with. (aimed at Luke).

how did the band come together?, a vital piece of info that you left off this site. you seem to share quite a few influences and produce non-original songs.
was this your aim from the start?

i think that Laura your guitarist should quit the band, what kind of reputation are you after?

Think thats it till next time.....

Concerned listener

Re: YEAH..

"Really don't know what you guys are all about"

we are about making music I like.

"whats your aim"

to make music I like.

"what are you trying to achive musically"

to make music I like.

"what makes you different from the thousands of bands out there?"

the fact that our drummer is from outter space.

"if you think that having silly girly hair will add style to your band,
then youv'e got a few personal issues you may need to deal with. (aimed at Luke)."

yes, I have lots of personal issues that I deal with through having slightly long hair.

"how did the band come together"

I met jonny on a bus after seeing him play.
I met laura on a bus going to watch lord of the rings.
I met ben after seeing him perform at east slope.

"you seem to share quite a few influences and produce non-original songs.was this your aim from the start?"

yep. the plan was to make music that I like.

"i think that Laura your guitarist should quit the band, what kind of reputation are you after?"

what? stop grasping at straws you fool.

"Think thats it till next time.."

ok, see you at our next gig.!


Re: YEAH..

i doubt your drummer is from outta space, just looks like he was dropped at birth.

so you all think, your gonna be big?

concerned listener.

Re: YEAH..

we're gonna be huge. just to **** you off


Re: YEAH..

i take it wasted half penny isnt in a band, because if he had an ounce of musical talent he'd realise how pointless it is to slag off bands who make music you don't like

Re: YEAH..

Although that long haired hippy (I mean the drummer) may have been dropped on his head as a baby, does not stop him from playing drums, albeit very very badly.
Compared to me anyway!!!
Now what was my point??
Anyway maybe you should hire a stylist for the band i'm sure wasted half-penny will pay, infact just ask half-penny to be your stylist he seems to know alot about how you should style hair. Luke have you been annoying the local hairdressers again?
Although I agree you are missing something at your gigs......PIES!!!!

Re: YEAH..

listen you little ******* you mess with me you mess wiv all my homies. which includes my invisible friend Colonel Schwartz, so you better watch out, or, i'll slap you, cos i'm sitting right next to you right now. pinhead.

Re: What the ****?

I think that if you don't have anything constructive to say, wasted dude, you should not say anything at all. At the end of the day, the music we make is not going to appeal to everyone, but the forum is supposed to be about that, not the way we style our hair. You must be a really busy person if you have the time to think out and post comments that really have no relevance to our music. Well done.

Re: YEAH..

this half-peeny bloke seems to have been given the impression that he is somehow funny / witty / observant / stylish* / and that the comments he makes are somehow of relevance to anyone else in the world ever. sorry mate. they're not.
ooh, also, seeing as you are obviously so unbelievably stylish and musically original, i'd love to hear some of YOUR music, as i'm sure you can't fail to be huge and i want to get in there early...

*(Luke, your hair is just lovely darling)

Re: Re: YEAH..

thanks em ;-) now. about my trousers!...

Re: YEAH..

I think the fact half penny hasnt replied for ages suggests that he has been defeated. He didnt use his real name either unlike me, which makes him more of a loser.

Re: YEAH..

I don't think half penny can be f'd to reply to any of you, he/she has had their say and wound you lot up a treat!

Re: YEAH..

blah blah blah, i think colourmap are really good, i love Brian Molko, Placebo and Luke. he's doing such a good job. he must of done really well in his GCSE music class and you can tell that he must of always been into music from the start. I think that his mummy and daddy must be really proud of him...

its a shame that he lacks the characteristics of an interesting person.

one thing that puzzles me, doesn't he have anything better to do than do this forum thing, like writing good music...

if you delete this luke, surely you would be the one who was defeated.

a loving fan x x x

Re: YEAH..

well. i didn't do GCSE music. and yes. I was into music from the start. When i was young I loved the lion king and aladin, they had quality songs in em ;-)

I lack the characteristics of an interesting person? I like the way you back that arguement up.

and now my favourite part - if I delete his post apparently I'm defeated. well. no. If i delete your post.. what happens is your post is deleted. I don't see why you failing to make me look bad needs to be deleted though.


Re: YEAH..

Bert, I think luke just owned you, and I'd like to direct you to this