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Well done on your new recordings guys. If you like Colourmap, come and see Catnap. Yes our names rhyme and there's a good reason for that

Hi luke this is jack, we're holding ben hostage, so hear our demands.

1) your songs may not exceed 120bpm otherwise you are encroaching intellectual territory.
2) ben may only drum with one arm for your band.
3) you give us the headlining slot at open mic every week.

thank you.

Re: hi


1) We would never dream of exceeding 120bpm. Songs you've heard that may seem around the 180bpm are actually 90bpm with twice as many bass and snare hits you see.

2) thats fine.. ben (being born outside of our own solar system) has an extra limb he keeps hidden, so I guess he can just replace his arm with that on future performances.

3) I can't be bothered to run open mic any more. as people just blame you for things they don't agree with so I have no say in the open mic thing.
