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yo yo yo

hey guys (well Laura really, as she's the only one who knows who i am hehe)

After roaming the pages of google with every 'map/gig/brighton' combination i could think of i finally remembered to add the colour bit and...woah...yer site's blahdy amazing!!!
Just thought i'd let you know!

LadyMuck have been messin' about with t'internet too, check it out if you have a spare minute. ( I still want to arrange some sort of gig for both bands. Perhaps a christmas band bonanza!?

See ya back at sussex
Laura M
x x x

Re: Hey!

Laura! Its really good to hear from you! Yes we definitely have to do a gig with both Colourmap and LadyMuck. Hey, come to the Freshers' Week gig, it should be rad. We'll catch up properly at uni.
