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Re: Best Songs!

U know i'm joking!!!!!!! HMS is my favourite song. It's the rock anthem of 2004. It's gonna rock when we record it in da studio!

Re: Colourmap. Obviously...

Johnny, you're back! Hooray! On the current demo, blatantly the best song is Winter, granted, the visual enhancement of aquatic animals adds greatly to the experience...:-p x

Re: Best Songs!

i think your best song has to be 'sleeping with the lights on'... oh no wait, that's busted, sorry guys! its just that the bloke with the big eyebrows looks so much like your lead guitarist...

seriously though, colourmap are immense and the new demos on the site kick some serious ass! especially HMS, its a classic

Re: Best Songs!

Hi guys !! Hi Jonny !!!!! Your cousin speaking. SURPRISE !!!! I d like to say that I m very happy to find out that MY COUSIN is playing very good music with his very good band. I really like what you do and I think the song I like the most is HMS. I wish to all the group all the best and of course I count on you Jonny for sending me you demo when it will be finished.

By the way it may interest you to have a look on the website of my group :
and some websites of groups that I support for being talented and sometimes for being friends of mine :

Good luck in career and in studies
Big Kisses

Re: Best Songs!

ooops me again. I ve just realised that our website wasn't accessible anymore. The new one is under construction but you can already have a look on :


Re: Best Songs!

Although i've already posted a reply, i would like to offer a rebision to my previous rash words. Running Out Of Air has to be the best song from the recent 'From Thin Air' CD. I LOVE the way it builds up and gets you all excited and then explodes all over your face, like... well, like Luke actually. Laura's lead guitar offers the perfect lover for Luke's voice add to that the power of Ben's and Johnny's tallent and you have what Tony Blackburn would call 'a top tune in the hit-parade'. Well done guys, wish i could see you live. I'll just have to wait till June. One more thing, whatever happened to 'Meant For This'? I, like the great Martin O'Rourke before me, thought it was bloody good.

All the best

Re: Best Songs!

Mmmm, god knows what that guy is on about
But anyway the best song i've heard recently was by Ben Harper, hang on did you mean what is Colourmap's best song? Ok ok my favourite is Running out of air.
Its quite different from your other songs and is quite catchy. I missed the gig on campuss so i missed a few songs i think . I guess i'll have to come on tuesday and see if your playing anything new if not the 3rd it is!!!!

Re: Best Songs!

best songs are now Ruptions and Andromeda signal.

They are a bit heavier and you can get lost in the chaos of the melodies. Look out for them if your coming to see us play soon.
