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Get our songs on the net with P2P file sharing

Hey people,
A good way to get our music out there would be for people to share them with file sharing clients such as Kazaa, Morpheus and Limewire. If you've downloaded our demo to your computer and use file sharing software, it would be much appreciated if you could copy them to your shared folder, and ammend the file name with "(If you like Muse, Placebo, RHCP, Radiohead, check this out)" so the file in your shared folder would look something like "Colourmap - Taken (If you like Muse, Placebo, RHCP, Radiohead, check this out).mp3"
This cheeky addition will mean that when people search for these bands our songs could come up. You've probably seen this done on file sharing before, plus this is the real "legitimate" purpose of file sharing!!