Colourmap Forum
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Last Post > b92c5eb40e download gratis microsoft office enterprise 2010 portable untuk windows 7 Casting a minchia dura streaming Tamil actress la...
Views: 121   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 24, 2016 3:10am
by wynaltm
How To Turn Your Wife Into A Nymphomaniac
How To Turn Your Wife Into A Nymphomaniac > How To Turn Your Wife Into A Nymphomaniac 97ffa81d91 windows 7 ultimate activator utorrent the yard sale of hell house tara lynn foxx a...
Views: 528   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 16, 2014 10:49am
by tianagus
Really Cool Site...
Hi all! Found interesting site with many effective materials. It is - free porn!
Views: 244   Replies: 0
Last Post: Mar 27, 2005 12:39am
by Sharon Crites
end game
website going down soon.. not coming back up. 17th of march will be colourmaps last gig at the pressure point. See ya! -Luke
Views: 332   Replies: 2
Last Post: Mar 3, 2005 1:14pm
by luke
i fink colour map stink! hehehehe nah only joking, i think they're the best! or do i? heh CHRIS HOWELLS IS A LOSER LUKE CAN'T ADEQUATELY REPRESENT A DATA BASE VISUALLY, HAHA! colourmap are rubbish not really! they're...
Views: 339   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 22, 2005 2:45pm
by its definitely A...
Drum lessons for sale
Calling all wannabe drummers!!! Hey, if anyone wants to learn the art of drumming give me a shout. If you've heard our music and thought "i wanna drum like that!!" or just want to know the secret to how I look so **** cool on stage, it's cos i'm behind Luke!...
Views: 396   Replies: 1
Last Post: Feb 20, 2005 5:33pm
by Ben Pruess (drum...
Brighton mega band
dan's ormsby's latest brainchild is a band - a uniting of brighton's finest musicians - that can be described by words no less than "dantastic" and "orsmbylicious". So far he apparently has 9 members, or so he says. The tentative title of the band is "Don't Fall Over...
Views: 311   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 20, 2005 5:30pm
by Ben Pruess (drum...
droppin by
hello, jus droppin to to say hi luke, been awhile :P (this is b-owl btw)
Views: 374   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 20, 2005 1:15am
by bruk habtu
colourmap bite
luke is without a doubt the most pretentious **** i've ever met. and your band sucks. listen to a bit less muse. make your lyrics less gay, its like **** gcse poetry. colourmap deserve to fail
Views: 326   Replies: 0
Last Post: Feb 18, 2005 1:05pm
by steve
band war - the Map vs. rebessica
bit o' harmless fun! please post death threats etc. on our blog and feel free to openly criticise us and our parents on your newsboard and forum. makes the whole music experiance richer all round, i feel. brighton bands are too dogging nice most of the time.
Views: 718   Replies: 2
Last Post: Feb 10, 2005 12:55pm
by malt loafer
From Korea .
Hi , pruess . the band is Awesome ! also my korean friend like them too . when I go to UK then I hope see the band ! Have a pleasure day .
Views: 362   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 30, 2005 12:00pm
by Debbie
no more strokes covers
please please don't cover any more strokes songs cos Luke can't pull it off and no one at your gigs enjoys it, except perhaps Luke.
Views: 421   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 24, 2005 12:17pm
by luke
Tell that ***** Kelv that if he's looking for trouble he's come to the wrong town. Anytime, anywhere. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE. First and only chance, the Cudd don't take prisoners.
Views: 417   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 18, 2005 1:48pm
by Ross
Now i know i've been busy with christmas dinner, you'll be pleased to hear i had 3 helpings!!, but i've finished with christmas starters, dinner, pudding, tea, oh sorry forgot brunch, and am back with a vengence, how many songs you playing at your next gig? and which...
Views: 319   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jan 12, 2005 3:51pm
by luke
Good music!
Hi guys, What a great band! You really make great music and I wish you all the best in this harsh industry. I'm sure you'll do great though. My favourite song is HMS. Take care and looking forward to the next gig. JEZ
Views: 325   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jan 10, 2005 2:42pm
by JEZ
Wow great wicked, you guys are so average. Really don't know what your all about, whats your aim, what are you trying to achieve musically? There is nothing that you have produced that i haven't heard elsewhere. what makes you different from the thousands of bands...
Views: 504   Replies: 14
Last Post: Jan 6, 2005 2:38am
by Dom
Best Songs!
Hi all! I'm the bassist from Colourmap and my name is Jonny. Now is your chance to take about the music! Please tell us at, your favorite Colourmap song from our demo (if you've heard it). The options are Addict, Taken, Winter or Richard Branson. Vot...
Views: 693   Replies: 18
Last Post: Dec 26, 2004 8:15pm
by luke
Ross M
stop it
What are you doing? It's not funny, we all know its you lot. Surely the joke ran it's course quite some time ago. Colourmap have clearly put a lot of effort into this website have got what it takes to be a wicked band. The last thing they need is you p***ks being g*y...
Views: 388   Replies: 1
Last Post: Dec 7, 2004 2:21pm
by The real Ross Ma...
Luke in Cheltenham?
This is rather strange, but Luke did you come into Cheltenham Millets the other day? If not you have a twin in the Midlands. Stu
Views: 323   Replies: 2
Last Post: Dec 16, 2004 1:08pm
by Stuart Jordan
i think your music is bashment, but i do have a couple of ideas to improve your sounds. 1. drop some samples in e.g Dizzy rascal, it will improve any tune. 2. repeatedly say the phrase "where's Skippy?" 3. add a prefix to the name colourmap, such as colourmap cart...
Views: 347   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 7, 2004 10:38am
by Bruiser
Sounds from da underground!!
yo yo. that iz some masif sounds from segun. luvin da lyric wheres skippy wheres skippy! dis guy is heavy. stay grimey ice
Views: 330   Replies: 3
Last Post: Dec 6, 2004 5:49pm
by Hugh ateallthepi...
Remember Kiad?
Thought i'd say hi! Looking at your website and I like your music, 'Webs' is a good song!! Maybe you should send me and my friends a few free tickets to your next gig!! As we are all struggling students!!
Views: 350   Replies: 0
Last Post: Nov 27, 2004 11:56am
by Leanne
alright Luke and rest of the band, look forward to seeing you play tuesday. JR and his gf are coming to have a look too! Dom.
Views: 302   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 18, 2004 3:14pm
by Luke !
Well done on your new recordings guys. If you like Colourmap, come and see Catnap. Yes our names rhyme and there's a good reason for that Hi luke this is jack, we're holding ben hostage, so hear our demands. 1) your songs may not exceed 120bpm otherwise you are...
Views: 332   Replies: 1
Last Post: Nov 8, 2004 1:17pm
by Luke !
Running Out of Air
Hey this is Daisy,Luke's housemate's younger sister. Law's gonna kill me for posting on this but oh well. I think Running Out of Air is amazing and this is one of your best songs (I think.I'm a 16 year old,what would I know?). I also really liked Addict as well,thoug...
Views: 334   Replies: 1
Last Post: Oct 18, 2004 1:45pm
by Luke !
Tuesday night
Crap PA Great band! It was so good to get away from sleepy Eastbourne to see you all in concert. You looked good and although the sound wasn't brilliant I could recognise the songs from the website. Laura - you looked really happy and confident in spite of all o...
Views: 311   Replies: 0
Last Post: Oct 1, 2004 1:52pm
by Uncle Andy
Now we've started, now we've started!
Just downloaded the new songs. I'll e-mail you guys seperatley soon with acres of praise, but i would just like to stand up and be counted in the legions of adoring fans. Thanks guys, save the world. Josh
Views: 336   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 30, 2004 5:52pm
by Josh
yo yo yo
hey guys (well Laura really, as she's the only one who knows who i am hehe) After roaming the pages of google with every 'map/gig/brighton' combination i could think of i finally remembered to add the colour bit and...woah...yer site's blahdy amazing!!! Just...
Views: 322   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 14, 2004 9:22pm
by Laura
all hail ben
i came to see you guys at the last gig u did at pressure point, and i've figured out the secret of your success - ben the drummer is, in fact, Jesus...
Views: 316   Replies: 1
Last Post: Sep 9, 2004 12:47am
by Ben Pruess
Wicked website Jonny and fab cd. Keep it up!
Views: 337   Replies: 0
Last Post: Sep 2, 2004 5:57pm
by Rachel Balchin
lead singer
I just wanted to say how proud i am to be Lukes girlfriend everytime i see him on stage. Not only is your musical talent endless as well as amazing but you also look great... and i should tell you more often.
Views: 325   Replies: 3
Last Post: Sep 1, 2004 6:47pm
Greetings from the US
Word up hommies, or whatever it is the kids are say these days. Just a quick note to congratulate you on the new website, looks very cool. Am looking forward to the new demo, reading the lyrics to 'Webs' just isn't the same. People here seem to like your music, but t...
Views: 312   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 31, 2004 11:18pm
by Josh
Pressure Point tomorrow
Hi all This is Ady from Fourteenth Eye. We all are really looking forward to seeing you tomorrow. We had a great time playing with you last time & im sure tomorrow will be the same. See ya tomorrow Ady
Views: 312   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 16, 2004 6:46pm
by Ady
Just wondering, are you a gay band? Heard you were from Brighton and then i saw you play. That bass players got a nice arse. Does he have a boyfriend? I also heard Sony and EMI were battling it out for you signatue. I love you all, colourmap till i die
Views: 350   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 30, 2004 12:12pm
by Ben Pruess
Jonny's friend Hannah
Hey,im Jonny's friend Hannah and i'm writing this for 2 reasons.... 1)To prove to Jonny that im still his number one fan even though i missed the East slope gig (Sorry!) and, 2)Because Coulourmap are clearly the best band ever Ive seen u guys live and you're all...
Views: 338   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 27, 2004 12:58am
by Hannah
The amazing Gary
Ben summoned me here and I came. I am the mighty Gary. Feel my rock power running through your veins. By the power of Greyskull!!! Keep up that groovy rock sound and I will be present at a future performance.
Views: 331   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 24, 2004 12:01am
by Gary
perverts and panty robbers
Is it true that Lukes a pervert??? Cos i think it was my cousin ben that stole all his moms panties. Seriously though, some kickass demos with a killer bass. You got props from sweden guys. Ben is the best drummer in all of england, even if he is a little "special"....
Views: 331   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 12, 2004 4:11pm
by luke
The Slope!!
In between eating, i noticed you playing in east slope, and enjoyed it immensly (sorry about the spelling, not something i'm known for) Shame you only got to do 3 songs, will you be playing any new songs for us die hard fans when you next play?? And do you think th...
Views: 316   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 12, 2004 4:06pm
by luke
Get our songs on the net with P2P file sharing
Hey people, A good way to get our music out there would be for people to share them with file sharing clients such as Kazaa, Morpheus and Limewire. If you've downloaded our demo to your computer and use file sharing software, it would be much appreciated if you c...
Views: 281   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 12, 2004 12:32am
by Ben Pruess
Hey boys, its Laura at my mum's house! Big up us yesterday, can't wait till next time. To Johnny - i have to take my car in to be fixed as its broken! I hold you responsible and will forward any costs etc...! Take care boys x x x
Views: 306   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 9, 2004 8:18pm
by Ben Pruess
Colourmap playing open mic on sunday
Hey y'all, I'm pretty sure we'll be playing at the final open mic night of the year at East Slope bar on Sunday 7th June. We won't know what time until the night, so turn up around 8 or 9, there will be a lot of good bands hopefully, since it's the last open mic...
Views: 436   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 4, 2004 1:03am
by Ben Pruess
Laura and Johhny and a bit about Ben but nothing about Luke 'cos he's ****.
There was a girl called Laura O'roak Who ate with only a fork when asked why she started to cry and that was the end of that talk not very good, but better than that Sonya girl who just tried to convince us that Johnny is a dirty pervert (he was, but he told...
Views: 411   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 31, 2004 8:39pm
by Justin Debar
Bass guitarist
Jonny, you are clearly the most important person in the band. I think you should ditch the rest of them and further your solo career. They're holding you back Jonny....they're holding you back. P.s Jonny, I fancy you, thats why I have to use this fake name. What's y...
Views: 321   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 27, 2004 5:48pm
by Trisha Goddard
Abuse of Forum
It has come to our attention that this forum has been used for purposes of false claims, money laundering and drug trafficking. As a consequence a) The culprits will be tracked and given permanent wedgies (We have you IP addresses, we know where you live) b) No one w...
Views: 393   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 25, 2004 10:51am
by Ben Pruess
Hey guys u sound hot,id just like to say i want the drummers babies and name them humphris juniors haha good stuff
Views: 350   Replies: 3
Last Post: May 25, 2004 10:42am
by Ben Pruess
hey colourmap, you guys r sooo cool, i realy like the richard branson song, cant wait for tuesday at the PP! but we had to say that we LOVE ben more than anything. hes so nice, we want to be his grls. xoxoxoxox
Views: 372   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 25, 2004 1:21am
by Rob C
fit bassist
Hi I watched your band at East Slope and your music was really good, but what i'm really writing about is your fit bass guitar player. I was wondering if he's single, and if so could I please have his number? I've heard about your gig tomorrow, hopefully i'll be able...
Views: 364   Replies: 1
Last Post: May 25, 2004 12:08am
by Ben Pruess
why so stinky?
Word up colourmap, keep it real. your music is the bomb, thats how i feel. You got the rhymes and da ryhthms, they're wack. though your drummer has an unsightly, hairy back. bo!
Views: 382   Replies: 0
Last Post: May 23, 2004 11:39pm
by Starscream
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