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Crusader says it is "so sad" that I believe the Bible teaches universal salvation

Gary the Crusader says it is “so sad” that I believe that a literally (not interpretively) translated Bible teaches that Jesus has both the ABILITY and the INTENTION to eventually save all fallen creatures from everything from which they need to be saved.

Here is a glorious online exposition explaining why I am QUITE THE OPPOSITE of “sad” about it!!

Just copy the following url into the address bar and open it up to read it.

Read the following to find out what the false doctrine of eternal torment does to people.

Mr Rodger Tutt, God has sent me to get you saved.

A man is on his roof during a flood...the water is rising...he is GOING to die soon

But then a girl in a canoe comes and says "I can fit another person in here...quick get in"
He declines
"God will save me" he says
She leaves sadly

Then later a man in a motor boat comes..."I have room for ten people to get to safety...quick get in"
"God will save me" the stranded man says
The man leave confused

Then later a million dollar yacht rides by, with hundereds of people

they all shout "Quick get...we can fit countless people in here...quick get on the boat"

He shouts back "Don't worry...God will save me"
The yacht cannot stop for one man for very long so it leaves

The man remained on the house
And of course he drowned
When he got to heaven he asked God "Why didn't you save me? I had so much faith in you."

God says "What are you talking about? I sent three whole boats to save just you."

Mr Tutt, if you die without Jesus, you will go to Hell, and when you ask God Why? He will tell you He sent the Crusader and you would not listen.
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A man may go to heaven......

A man may go to heaven......
without health, without wealth;
without fame, without a great name;
without learning, without earnings;
without culture, without beauty;
without friends and without ten thousand other things-----

But he can NEVER go to Heaven without My Lord Jesus Christ!!
Mr Rodger Tutt, if you die without Jesus, you will go to Hell, and when you ask God Why? He will tell you He sent the Crusader and you would not listen.
My Home Page

Re: A man may go to heaven......

AMEN Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father but by HIM. Without him a person will never have life. We MUST be in him in order to have everlasting life.

1 JOHN 5:12 He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.

The Word of God has spoken on this matter. May we continue to grow in faith so that we may see these things more clearly.