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don't know the title of a movie

wondering if anybody can help me? I thought the title of the movie was Secret of the Blue Room, but can't find it anywhere. Am I wrong? I was very young seeing the movie. Believe it aired on Big Chuch and Houlihan or Chilly Billy Theater. The movie was about a number of people staying in a house, and there was a bedroom with a secret passage. VP would lock the door of that room when a guest brave enough would offer to stay in it. In the morning, the bell from that room would ring, but when the door was opened, they were gone. Help!!! Would love to see it again.

Re: don't know the title of a movie

Was that House on Haunted Hill?

trying to help,
Cassie Just

Re: don't know the title of a movie

There is a movie called Secret of the Blue Room, but the IMDBV description is too brief to be useful. "

It isn't one of my graded horrors ( It sounds fun; if you discover what it is, please post it here.

April: very nice site. Good luck with your move.