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A place to leave a note or a question for your gardening friends

A place to leave a note or a question for your gardening friends
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Hi all, I know I've been gone for a long time. My Jim passed away and He is at rest now.
He had Alzheimers for eleven years. It robs your memory untill You know no one . He did know my voice until the end, so when he became restless I could talk to him he would quite down. He didn't know any of for a while, maybe the last six mounths. He is at
peace . I'll be back soon, Elsie

Re: Jim

My sincere condolences to you and your family Elsie. My heart goes out to you. God bless you all.

Re: Jim

All my love to you and your family, Elsie. Hugs

Re: Jim

Thank You All. (MOOHUGS))

Re: Jim

Oh Elsie, I am so sorry.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Re: Jim

Elsie I am so sorry to hear that news.My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.